Friday, July 1, 2022

How To Tell If Your Child Is Developing Bilateral Coordination

Scissor cutting can help develop bilateral coordination in children. 

This is because it requires the use of both hands simultaneously, which can help improve coordination between the two sides of the body. 

Additionally, scissor cutting can also help improve fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination

So if you're looking for activities to help your child develop better coordination, why not try scissor cutting?

Let's download cutting pages for your children to practice for free.

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Let your child have fun with Fall Cutting Practice with Scissors Kindergarten – Pumpkin Patch Themed!

How to tell if your child is developing bilateral coordination

Are you concerned about your child's bilateral coordination? 

Scissor cutting is a great way to help develop this important skill! 

Here are  ways to tell if your child is developing bilateral coordination

If your child can hold a pair of scissors and cut paper independently, they are likely to develop bilateral coordination.

If your child can alternate between using their right and left hand when cutting paper, they are also showing signs of developing bilateral coordination.

If your child can use both hands simultaneously to cut paper (eg, one hand holding the scissors while the other hand steadies the paper), this is another indication that they are gaining bilateral coordination skills.

Another good sign that your child is developing bilateral coordination through scissor cutting activities is if they can start and stop cutting correctly at the same time using both hands.

Finally, if your child can keep their fingers close together when holding the scissors and make smooth cuts without veering off course, this shows excellent progress in terms of developing bilateral coordination skills!

Come and check us out today for more cutting practice resources! CLICK HERE!

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