Thursday, December 1, 2022

What To Do If Your Child Is Having Trouble Focusing During Scissor Cutting Practice

One of the most rewarding aspects of parenting is seeing your child learn and grow. 

As your child develops new skills, it is important to encourage their efforts and support their learning.

One way you can help your child develop focus and concentration is through scissor cutting practice.

If your child is having trouble focusing during scissor cutting practice, there are a few things you can do to help. 

With a little patience and some creativity, you can turn scissor cutting practice into a fun and rewarding experience for both of you. 


Here are a few tips to help your child develop focus during scissor cutting practice. 

Make it a game. Scissor cutting practice can be turned into a fun game by incorporating elements of competition or cooperation. 

Try challenging your child to see how many pieces of paper they can cut in one minute, or see who can cut the most intricate design. 

You could also make it a cooperative game by working together to create a collage from the pieces of paper that are cut out. 

Use positive reinforcement. Praise your child when they display concentration and focus while cutting.

This will encourage them to maintain this level of concentration throughout the activity. 

You could also set up a reward system, where your child earns points or stickers for maintaining focus during scissor cutting practice. 

These rewards can then be used to redeem prizes such as new art supplies or extra screen time. 

Break it up. If your child is struggling to maintain focus for an extended period of time, break up the activity into shorter chunks with built-in breaks in between. 

For example, allow them to cut for two minutes and then take a one-minute break before resuming cutting again. 

This will help prevent boredom and fatigue from setting in too quickly. 

Create distractions. It may sound counterintuitive, but sometimes adding distractions can actually help improve focus levels. 

Try playing soft music in the background or providing gentle tactile input (such as rubbing their back while your child is focused on cutting out shapes with scissors.


Let's grab your scissors, it's time for a fun winter fine motor activities.

Perfect for independent use.

There are tons of fun scissor-cutting activities for kindergarten students! 

These activities will not only help your students practice their cutting skills, but they'll also love doing them. 

Come and check us out today for more cutting practice resources! 


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